If you are looking for free TFL Topographical test training, to get a PCO licence, you have come to the right place.
This is an in depth look into the TFL Topographical assessment with a comprehensive list of resources to give you all the relevant information needed to pass first time.
To give you the best chance of passing the map test, I have put together the Appdriver Topographical Test training material you can use to study free online. This will give you the skills needed to answer all the questions along with my top hints and tips.
I have also added a mock test with example questions to give you an idea of what to expect on the day.
Additionally, I have included all the other free resources and training available online which should be more than enough to get you ready for your PCO Topographical test.
What is the TfL topographical skills test?
If you looking to get a PCO licence you will have to take a topographical skills test as part of the application process which will assess you on the following:
1– Using indexes to identify points/locations
2- Using a map to identify directions and points/locations
3– To plan a route between two locations
4– To demonstrate knowledge of compass points within directional based questions.
Sections 1,2 tests your ability to navigate The Master Atlas Of Greater London.
Section 3 is where you will have to plan short, medium and long routes and is where the bulk of the points are and where most people slip up.
Section 4 is straightforward and just requires some common sense and knowing the points on a compus.
What is the pass mark?
The pass mark is 60% so you have to get 60 points out of the possible 100.
You are given 2 hours to complete the test which is more than enough time so make sure you take your time. Once you have answered a question you can’t go back so make sure you are not rushing and double check your answer before you move on.
Sections 1,2 and 4 are simple multiple choice questions and will take the least amount of time
Section 3 is route planning questions asking you to plot the most direct route from a start point to an end point carry the most marks. This is the most important part of the assessment and the one you should spend the most time on.
The points available per questions are published within the assessment.
You will lose marks if:
• Not following the most direct route
• Not correctly addressing map symbols (eg: one way systems, roundabouts)
• Not arriving at the end location
What happens if I fail the test?
If you fail the topographical test you get one more attempt to pass. If you fail after the second attempt, you will have to re apply for the PCO licence which will set you back months and cost you more money.
For this reason, it is important you take the test seriously and do as much practice and studying as you can.
What can I do to make sure I pass first time?
There are companies that provide training but are quite expensive.
Uber provide free training at the Uber ignition centre if you are willing to travel down there.
Alternative you can use all the resources and free topographical training on this page which should be more than enough to get you ready.
*You DO need to buy a copy of the Master Atlas Of Greater London to be able to study for the test. Click below for the latest price on Amazon*
When can I book the test?
After submitting your application for your PCO/Private hire licence, you will be invited to book your topographical skills test.
You will be given the option of 8 approved topographical assessment centres. The waiting list could be up to two months so I suggest you check every one and go with the earliest possible date.
How much does the topographical test cost?
The price varies from centre to centre and can cost between £50 and £80.
If you take the test with Uber at the ignition centre, they are the cheapest at £50 and they also give you a free re test if you fail.
Free TFL topographical skills assessment online course

How to plot a route
Appdriver topographical training